About Email MAximalist

I began EmailMaximalist out of sheer frustration.

Because when I first started out on this whole freelancing and online business journey, I was making mistake after mistake. 

Not only was it embarrassing, but it was also demoralizing. 

And all of these setbacks I was experiencing were mostly due to a lack of knowledge.

But as time goes on and I progress in this journey of learning about all things: 

  • Direct response marketing 
  • Copywriting 
  • Advertising 
  • Sales
  • Software

I feel as though I can pass this knowledge on. 

And all the content I create on this website is for the kid who’s in the same shoes as I was 4 years ago. 

And with putting Email Maximalist together, I hope he or she can sidestep some of the embarrassing mistakes I made. 

It just feels like the right thing to do. 

And not only that, I want to be your go-to for all things email.

Don’t know what email software to use?

I’ve got you covered. 

Don’t know how to create a simple sales email that will bring in $$$?

I’ve got you covered. 

Don’t know how to do market research for your audience? 

I’ve got you covered. 

A trusted resource you can come to for almost everything in the email and marketing space.  

So, if you were wondering why I started this, now you know!

If you’ve any questions, you can get in touch with me by sending me a DM on Twitter @EmailMaximalist.  

Or, you can send me an email at Jamie@EmailMaximalist.com