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How I helped my client make $355,021 in 2023 

In 2023, I was able to help one of my clients generate $355,021. 

In this blog post, I’ll be breaking down how I strategized the email campaigns, how I came up with ideas for this client’s emails, and how you can do the same: 

Email Strategy

For all my clients, my approach to email marketing is simple. 

Send quality emails consistently and build strong relationships with your audience and sell them high quality products and services. 

That’s it.

But here’s the real reason I say this – 

A tonne of people I speak to, whether that be clients or potential clients, have a tough time sending a lot of emails to their list.

Because they don’t want to come across as pushy or too salesly. 

Here’s the truth: 

If you send high-quality emails to your list on a consistent basis (talking 5x a week or more), you’ll get to the point where your audience will ask where you’re if you miss a day. 

And the reason why a lot of people can’t come to terms with sending a high frequency of emails is because they cannot send high quality emails consistently. 

But let me reassure you, it is possible and when done properly, it’s highly profitable. 

This is exactly what I did with this client – Send highly intriguing, entertaining, and story-based emails that leave you getting replies like this:

“Not sure if this is going straight to your {name} but just wanted to say that these emails are awesome. I love reading them each week.”

When you can combine highly engaging emails, it will get replies like this as well as sales. 

So you’re getting the best of both worlds. 

Idea generation:

Now this seems to be the biggest obstacle that people get stuck on who own email lists.

I did create a previous blog post where I go over a few idea-generation strategies that you can access by clicking here. 

But here’s something you must understand – as Ben Settle says – “Emails beget emails. Ideas beget ideas. And, sales beget sales.”

So, get busy writing some emails and I can assure you, the more you write, the more ideas you get and the easier it will become. 

Email launches strategy:

For this particular client, we did a handful of launches.

And each launch was basically the same as each other.

I’m not going to go into too much detail, but you can find a breakdown of how I was able to generate $15,162 in 5 days for one of my clients.

I go over:

  • What you should do in the run-up to each launch campaign 

  • What kind of emails to send over the course of the launch campaign. 
  • The frequency of emails. 

  • And how you can do the same for yourself.  

You can click here to access that blog post. 

Email List Hygiene:

When you’re sending out a lot of emails, it’s important to do proper email list hygiene. 

What do I mean by this?

Firstly, it’s important to only send to engaged email subs (I tell you how to do this below in the automation section).

You can set up an automation in Activecampaign where you can tag people who haven’t opened an email for 180 days for example and they will be classed as ‘Unengaged’. 

This is what we did for this email list and it protects you from sending to dead email addresses and helps you keep a healthy email open rate. 

It’s also a smart idea to every now and again (Maybe every quarter) to go in and clean your email list of people who simply have not been opening your emails. 

Because you’re technically paying for these people to be on your email list, and if they’re not opening your emails, you might as well kick them off. 

And that’s how I was able to do this –

>>How I took a clients email list from 8% open rates to consistent 25-27% open rates.

Not only that but it’s important to be mindful of triggering spam filters. 

So saying things like “Financial Freedom” or “Credit Card” in your emails may begin to trigger some spam filters.

>>Here’s a blog post I’ve found that goes over the words and phrases that may trigger this.

Automations we used:

There are a handful of automations that you need to implement into your email marketing setup if you want to make the maximum amount of revenue and here they are:

• Welcome Sequence: A necessity for every email list. This can be compiled over anywhere between 3 and 12+ emails where you let people know who you are, what you do and what you can sell them.

• Recovery emails: For this client, I used recovery emails when people would maybe click on a VSL and then not buy. The people who did not buy would then be hit with another email trying to handle any objections they may have had.

• Engagement Tagging: This is arguably one of the most important email automation you can set up inside Activecampaign and is vital for your email list health. When you set up this automation, it allows you to determine who’s active on your email list and who isn’t.

This prevents you from sending emails to people who are ‘Spam Traps’ and automates it so you can remove these contacts from your email list. Saving you money and improving your email list health.

This is a good place to start if you have zero setups because one of the best things about email automations is its ability to continually make you money 24/7 – 365 days a year. 

Another useful tip is this:
Whenever you send out a normal campaign email to your email list, and it converted well, make sure you add this email to the welcome sequence because if it’s converted for people on your list, it will most likely convert for new subscribers. 

Do you need help with your email strategy?

If you’re someone who has a high ticket product, an email list that you don’t mail enough and want to produce more revenue from it – 

Then simply send me an email at Jamie@Emailmaximalist.com with the subject line ‘Email marketing inquiry’. 

Let me know some details about your business and your current setup and I’ll get back to you. 

Testimonial from the client:

Gain access to my exclusive email list where you'll receive lessons, stories and insights on how you can achieve this for your own email list 👇

About The Author: Jamie Tomlinson

About The Author: Jamie Tomlinson

Jamie Tomlinson is an internet marketer and email marketer, who focuses on helping businesses maximize and improve their email marketing profits.

As the founder of Email Maximalist, Jamie has helped countless clients improve their email marketing strategies and increase their ROI. With a keen understanding of the digital landscape, Jamie is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve and delivering results for his clients and the readers of this blog.

Check out some of the other posts Jamie has created by clicking the button below.

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